Tuesday, January 22, 2013

What Kind of Friends Do I Have?

June 10th 1997
What kind of friends do I have?  And what kind of friends does God allow?  Does He allow the friends I have right now?  If not, why did He place me, or them, in my path?  What kind of friends does my “village” or “tribe” allow?  There seem too always be rules for the tribes benefit—but what about Soul?
If one of your friends, be it male or female, causes you to expand your reachings towards good, God light, Christ and all Truth, can that friend, be it male—if you are female, be “bad”---because you are “married”?
Didn’t Jesus break this tribal bond and wasn’t he friends to all?  But you say, “You’re not Jesus”.  But I say, “Didn’t He say; “Come follow me and do as ye have seen me do.”
As my heart expands, so does the diversity of friends that I have.
I notice female energy has generally different patterns than male energy—yet, both are energy.  And energy, in general can be expansive; into light, fun and good.  And then some energy I feel is dark, gloomy, depressive and controlling.
Female POSITIVE energy patterns;                                          Male energy expands like a River;
Expands outward, like a flower                                                  Up or down, with spots in between

I’ve encountered something new this year; male friends.
It’s been so long.  Through my married years, I’ve only had female friends—and usually only one or two good ones at a time.  These new male friends have added richness, fun and interest to my life.  I didn’t know my life was dull until I think of NOT having these friends anymore!  I feel more balanced in all my Self and I feel a better wife.  Each one of them help me in one or two areas in my life—none of them in all areas.  My  marriage relationship has gone from mere occupancy of a home space to the aches and pains (gladly) of having a REAL growing friendship—a real relationship—not just a “match made in heaven” that never comes to earth.  Now it has been brought with a thump to earth.  It is going through its stretching times—as I have expanded my views to encompass Heaven and Earth and my husband is trying to figure out where this "new woman"--happy me--fits into his life. 

At BORDERS Bookstore; Sneak Book Pre-view;
“He was studying Hindu scriptures in order to be able to denounce them intelligently.”  By A. Roy
From the book, The God of Small Things;
“They were strangers who had met in a chance encounter.  They had known each other before life began.” p.310
“Even later….instinctively, they stuck to the small things.  The big things ever lurked inside.  They knew that there was nowhere for them to go.  They had nothing.  No future.  So they stuck to the small things….clumsy caterpillars…over-turned beetles….”
Maybe this is what Daniel and I need to do to get the ball rolling….enjoy the small moments, instead of trying to make a massively profound beginning into something too big to swallow.  After all, aren’t day’s together, simply small moments put together?
“Some things come with their own punishment.”
“They stopped at the temples to ask pardon of heir gods.  To apologize for corrupting their stories;  For encasing their identities.  Misappropriating their lives.” p.218

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