Monday, November 2, 2015

Don't Lose Heart As Mother

I was pondering my daughter's new baby and her experiences so far this morning.  These are the thoughts I felt and wrote down as I sat in prayer.  It Felt like Heavenly Father's council to a Mother's Husband;

"A mother's full-time job is to her newborn child--Not working on some project for a man!
In this she is doing God's work, not man's--and this is pleasing unto God--and He will bless her household greatly.

How she supports her family is to support her husband to Go to Work in Behalf of their Family; and for him to provide all things that are NEEDFUL unto them; NOT seeking more than is needful to consume it upon his lusts & pride.

His happiness is in his providing for his family--and with that extra time (not pursuing massive wealth for WANTS)--He can spend time seeing to his family's needs, and seeing to his wife's comfort; of mind, of body and of spirit.  This is pleasing unto God, for He does this for us daily!

What does she need today?  From Me? is the true father's and Master's question.  And he will pray about it---She often cannot express her needs or desires because of fatigue, or fear--or her gentle nature.  God the Father knows....Ask HIM!!!

For this is how He nurtures Mother Divine.  He is made aware of Her needs and does ALL He CAN to see to Her comfort.  THIS IS PURE LOVE.  God's Way.

This is what pleases God the Father the most: When man seeks to please his wife, then can the Heaven's open to the Riches of Eternity--then will he shine as the dews of Heaven.

Mock not these things oh man!  You will rue the day that you ceased to hear my voice "just because it was shared by a woman"--and an imperfect one at that.

My Word is Perfect.

All that strengthens the Human Heart is from ME, your God that Made You--Do ALL things in LOVE and Mercy and you will be Blessed in Your Home and Family.  In the End, this is the ONLY Unit that matters.  THE Highest Kingdom is Your Family MADE Whole and Perfect.

To this END I Work.  To this end you must go--or the Earth will be wasted at the coming of My Son--and My work will be made null and void and you will be a most unprofitable servant.  To be cast out with the sinners who would not receive more--because of their pride.

SHE waits for your love.  To fill her heart and rejoice in you and yours, and you will be surrounded with such Glory as you have never beheld--but this glory will fill your soul with such Joy as you knew not up to this day--

Try Me.  Try these words. Try My council.  It is true.  Go thy way and sin no more against My Word--from wherever it cometh."

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Eat From the Lord's Hand

Eat from the Lord's Hand--Micro Nutrients; Super Hero Foods 

December 24th, 2014

The "Natural Man" is our enemy too! And the enemy of our loved ones--in them, outside of them.  Through marriage we discover our natural man--a lot!  Faster and quicker than any other place.  

The rough edges are either rubbed off, or rubbed raw.  

Christ would say--"It may be fine for man--but what is Thy will Father?"

Is this how he made sure the "Saint" in him ruled over his flesh?
Being; "As a little child" is how we FEEL, not Behave!

When we are in line with the Father's will; 
List your "How You Know Your Are In The Natural Man"--when you are "an enemy" of your spouse--

The "Ego" IE "the Shadow" or "the Subconscious" and "the Traditions of our fathers"...the way they say things, and think things--pass on down to us.  These you will find! Not to hate your fathers, but to become of The Father.

The daily fight to be better, do better.

Example is the movie; Ground Hog Day.

"The Christ"

Find the difference --in feeling and spirit--between and the Spirit of Christ and the Holy Ghost--

What MATTERS to God is YOU.
How you've grown. 

How have you improved?

I've chosen love over hate over and over and over--
Forgiveness over grudges--
Maybe no man will sing my praises, but if God is pleased, isn't that ALL that matters?

So HOW do we know if God is pleased?
The movie: The Hobbit
is a great example of the war within ourselves--of whatever tempts us.  In that instance it was gold and kingship (control of others) over his word, honor and friends (love and support) 

How many of you have an "island" in your kitchen?  It's kind of a re-set station; to remind you where you are in a recipe--a place to go back to--what kind of "re-set" island do you have all day--in the moment; to remind yourself to stay in the center with God's love--?

What kind of value am I to God? Husband? Family? Children? Mankind? 

Do we seek to "save the world" in the name of service to God, but lose our own family? Our own soul? 

What was Christ saying to the rich young man; Come follow me--sell all that you Hath.  He was being called as a Disciple!  And Apostle--perhaps to replace Judus.....But the young man went away "sorrowing because he had much" wealth--busy saving the world, but not saving souls from the world. 

What do we hold onto instead of living as richly as the Christ?

Celestial marriage is God's way of living--do we choose to watch another TV show, or movie instead of spending time with our "eternal companion"?  And "put other god's" before the celestial? 
It; Eternal Life--is our reward.  Living in Eternal Realms with God's of Life (and love)--forever in Joy, Creating, Happiness, Eternal Increase, Power to go and do anything, and Radiance.    Not a bad reward for "coming to Jesus"! 

You CANNOT get there without your spouse!
Then how do you treat him/her? Who can you SEE?
What value does he/her have to you?
What messages do you give her by your pause when she asks; "Do you love me?"--
or "What have I ever succeeded at?"  When your pause is  L  O    N    G...... it's obvious you haven't given their value and small daily successes much thought!

How well do you know him or her?
What do they do daily?  What are they caring about?  Where do they spend their efforts?

If you cannot love the one you are with, how can you hope to love many?

The heart--his or her heart--is what will remain after death.  Are you in his or her heart?
And why not, or why?  Do you open to him or her?  Is he or her IN your heart? Why not?

Is your spouse freezing to death around you?  Are you cold--or cool to them?

Do you harbor "old flames, or loves, or flirtations of another person" inside your heart?  Did you decide you "cannot love because it hurts too much"?  

But GOD so LOVED the world that They sent their only Begotten Son, that he should LIVE and die for us.  

LOVE is at the CENTER of all of God's acts; why not make it our center? 

Love overcomes all the rudeness, and coldness within us.  LOVE your spouse after God, even before yourselves--And see what happens!  If we truly are "one", you will actually be loving yourself too.  It's Nice how God works things of the heart.

An Exercise to Do:

Write out on a piece a paper a circle.
Divide it into 8 parts--and label each one;
Spirit & Self
Family & Relationships
Money & Investments
Meaningful Work
Fitness & Health
Light & Education
Service & Community
Goals; Gifts & Talents

Then, as yourself, as you Go around the Circle, putting a short answer into each pie place; 

"What Value Do I Have to Him/Her?" 


Spirit & Self Value:
"Do Not Council Me"

Family & Relationships:
"I'm the mother/grandmother"

Money & Investments:
"I am she who spends his money"


What have you heard them tell you about your value to them? 


The seed energy that sparked our life--the egg--came from our father.  Just as 75% of our genetic make-up comes from him, so does your father's thought-patterns and behavior!

If we cannot stand our spouse's father, we are in trouble!!

This suggests that the wife is patterning not so much after mother--that's the illusion of her training-- but is BEHAVING and thinking like HER father--and teaching your children to follow after the ways of HER father!  So disliking or competing with her father is pointless!

And, it is PROOF that Jesus Christ really WAS conceived by Heavenly Father's Holy seed; because everything he did was to "Be about my Father's business"--and it wasn't carpentry!

Until "the enmity" between man and FATHERS ends, we will war--first within--then without.

How do we over-rule the flesh in us?

Through making Christ our "new Father".

Eating His Food--changing our VIBRATIONS.
Singing His Songs--staying in that ENERGY
Thinking of Him--to OPEN to his Thoughts
Walking on His Paths--and Taking HIS YOKE upon us
THEN we will be given HIS reward; "I will make thy burdens LIGHT"
and "The TRUTH will SET YOU FREE"
--to Love unconditionally, as he does, and not battle with the inner natural (father) anymore.

"My thoughts are Higher than your thoughts, and my Ways, higher than your ways."

In other words;
"We will "Love thy neighbor's Dad, as our own Dad so Mother Earth can Have Her rest!"

Friday, August 29, 2014

Agents Unto Ourselves


I was outside reading "The Honeymoon Effect"--a relationship book-- under the stars, on a beautiful summer's night.  And realized WE ARE EACH AGENTS unto ourselves.

We are NOT "set".  We are not "called" to do just one thing like robots.  When WE change, the stars change!
That's why Astrology is NOT a perfect science.  WE are always changing.

The choice of Mary to go ahead and BE the Mother of the Son of God, CAUSED THE STAR to come as a sign, to announce the Birth of Jesus Christ, NOT the other way around.  That's why the stars are "signs" of choices already made--

That's why, when our telescopes happen upon star clusters, we detect the feeling of "Creation is Happening!"
--Movement--IN--Motion;  E-Motion.

WE create our lives with the Aid of the Stars--The Intelligences; light and truth.  Jesus Christ is HELPER of Mankind--The Lord--Our "husband"--With Him we have the Power to ACT and NOT Be Acted upon--The Power of Creation is innate within us, because our spirits came from God.  Are we not called the "children of God"? And "Made in God's Image"?
We can become Perfected Souls of Pure Light & Intelligence, and have Glory and Power to Act and NOT be acted upon.....The Gods, and Holy Angels and Guardians are eager to teach us everything they know, so we can be powerful too!

WE make Covenants to BIND the Lord--to Help Us--to Get back "Home" to Light, Love, Pure Liberty and Joy.

"Endure to the End" has to do with our SOUL's enduring to the end of our mortal frame--our Dust.
Our SOULS are the "Real You", or our "Light Body".

The MORE we can--and DO--Live IN our Souls--as Observers and "master" over--the better off--Happier--we WILL BE.

"Be One even as I and the Father are One," is; "Let's be ONE SOULS--body--purpose--not blended, but HEAR each other--love each other.

Remember how Happy and peaceful you were when you knew the Love of God.  Light of God.

Get to know your spirit/soul;  then get to know other's spirit/soul--so you can truly "Love thy neighbor as thyself."

Who controls YOU?
Is your Soul in charge--the one that lives on and on and on... or your Dust?
--physical, mortal Body....the one that dies.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Four Master Messengers

1st --Krishna
MESSAGE:  To break civilization our of the disrespect for woman--and to love woman instead.

2nd--Jesus Christ
MESSAGE: To release mankind out of the iron grip of governmental and religious law

MESSAGE: To break to of accepted limitations put on mankind by cultures--concerning those not born "of high birth"--Also out of the limitations on the natural reach of mankind toward again becoming personally Divine--showing that "lowborn" man may become personally Divine through the freedom of thought force of will.

4th--Osiris (A-Sar-U)
MESSAGE: To demonstrate that God's may become man to serve mankind, and man become God's to change destiny.

Using the 5 Minds to Break Out of the Molds of Civilization

QUOTE form "Genesis" p. 211

"You were out there in your minds.  In your imagination you created a vision of reality.  Reality is potential actuality.
If you hold all your minds forcefully enough, and long enough, on anything you can imagine, it will become actual...

When all works together-- that is--when all minds are one, when all eyes see as one, you have changed your physical self to Golden Light, and given it opportunity to function outside your body.  You have transmuted your flesh at least a lithe.  You have become a Master.  you have the ability to create phenomena--to make strange things happen--to read minds, and time and distance.  To Heal.

If you rise above the thrust of death, you become a Radiant Master.  A Radiant Master has the abilities of a Master, but uses easy, unassuming spiritual skills.

Such a one heals by thought-force, which is always available, and therefore heals by physical presence --only those who want to be healed --and feel they can be.

This is the problem.  Even impure persons may have these abilities and are capable of doing much good, but also harm because their minds and hearts have not been attuned to the sacred.

 If one is pure in motives and selfless in desire, one may be graced by the symbols of potential highest bliss;  the Jade heart.  This is a sign that one may progress further, that one has caused at least 5 of the minds of man to function as one.

By allowing words and steps to lull him into a deeper and deeper quiet...
Not fiercely directing his conscious mind, he was in fact more conscious.
this serves to break the minds of man out of the molds of civilization. "

Having the Mind of Christ

There are 9 Part of our Minds--

It's time we open our 3rd Eye "projection point"--for inner sight

The "exit point" is at the base of the spine


"Have eyes to SEE...
Ears to HEAR...
Hearts to KNOW and FEEL..."

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear...
But of POWER, Love and a SOUND MIND."

POWER= Sight

LOVE= Feelings/Senses


Being Active in Spirit

I will not support meanness of spirit...
I will not support my children bashing my loved ones....
You are a loved one.
I adore you.
You have a heart as wide as the world, yet so many reject you--reject me--
I won't have it anymore! 

But I thought you said to "love even your enemies--to do good to them that hate you."

That's why you will send them a gift.  But I will not have you risk life and limb for they that despise you--because you are "mormon".
"Christians" would make people into pacifists--people who lose al their cultural times to the land and their spiritual roots--
The songs of he lands are dying out--because of "religion".
they teach a dried out philosophy of Christ crucified--and sprinkle it with doubt and shame.  That's NOT my doctrine!
My doctrine brings life to the soul--their brings death.  It is the doctrine of MY enemy--the one darkened by Hate.  
My brother, my past friend--also a family member anciently--
But it's an ancient battle--and the earth is his battleground.
Be at peace with where yo hare.
You and me--we fight battles.  We are not passive--but active in spirit. 
You understand ME more that you know.  I have also been despised of the world.
My family didn't all understand me, nor my fiends.
Judus Iscariott was a brother--this world only holds grief.  
You are misplaced?
Do you think God made a mistake?  

Yes.  When have I ever really belonged anywhere?

Make someone's day--
Then do that everyday
--For the rest of your life.

I will help you make someone's day--Then I will Be with you everyday--
and YOU can be happy too.  :-)