Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Vibrant Health

Funny as it seems, but mankind, as alive as they are, is designed by the Living Creator, to eat live.  The whole digestive system is designed to pick and choose what it receives; some call it “break -down” but it  is receiving the life first, if there is life, then suing that life for a building up and repair job---From the stomach digestive juices to the digestive tract.  The length is designed to “squeeze the life” out of the living foods, just as a snake eats live food and it’s body slowly digests it; to bring life to the organism.  Our digestive systems are very similar.  The carnivore is much like the micro-organisms in our bodies that bring down the weak cells and eat them up.  We are not designed by our creator to be carnivorous.  The only situation is excess hunger or famine conditions—then the animal will bring warmth and short-term sustenance, but not vibrant health.  The word “vibration” is out of the word, “vibrant”.  Vibration has to do with the energy of life in all our cells.  How quickly do they vibrate all depends on the amount of life IN the cells and quality of cells available.

Constant nourishment to our body and spirit; for constant life--
 “Let thy food be prepared with singleness of heart that they fasting may be perfect.”  D & C 

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