Monday, November 26, 2012

Seeing Life as Perfect

True peace is seeing life as perfect; even accidents, mishaps, falls and “failures”.  All is a teacher, lover, even Seer.  The earth, created by a Perfect Being can’t be anything but perfect!  Where do the different kingdoms come in? 
The different kingdoms are how people choose to SEE.  The amount of light, color, and truth they are willing to accept into the heart, into their beings.  Spiritual means letting go of piousness!
 We place shields around ourselves;
This must be stripped away until we stand naked before God and Man; “As a little child”
Each person has a gift of spirit however, if their avenue (body and cells) are not clean, their gifts are skewed into unhealthy, unrighteous dominion; warring natures.
Human conversation either sound like bugs, or the clean call of an eagle (simple and short)
One, no one, can trust in man’s voice completely—unless they speak with the “tongue of angels”; by God’s Spirit.  Even then, you have to filter and check the words, message and voice.

The voice of man and Satan end up as confusion, lies, NOISE, “logic”, restraint and Ego.
Message in our head—where the energy resonates—our heads are like a Receiving Station; the Key and Secret to knowing the TRUE from the FALSE.   

Left side, above the ear…a warning
Right side and toward the back side of the head is “of God”.  
TRUE and it will be GOOD for us; It usually comes quietly and peacefully.

Just as when you smell an herb, it tells you what part of the body it can help by where you “feel” the smell….It is the same principle with thought; except with thought it tells where the Source is coming from.

1.       GIFT OF SEEING: When a person thinks they see something but are in a judgmental state and are seeking to control the souls of men (or women), in any degree of unrighteousness, they “see through a glass darkly”.  The results can be to crush, break, and unfortunately they start trying through words usually-- like they are some judge-- to destroy the death they think they see.  This person only sees faults.  They mix truth with the false to make their story work for their darkened point of view, yet the person they are finding fault with will merely feel very confused to be around that.  They drag energy down and create contention and trouble.  True Seers use their gifts to bless and to heal, to warn gently according to the other’s agency.  They are a great blessing.
2.       GIFT OF INTELLIGENCE:  When a person isn't in a healing state—they will see all through their Ego and then pride; “Me, me…I did it.”  In a healing state, they can see the ego in others clearly, yet tend to point it out.  Eventually, the person will enter a non-ego state and step into acceptance, peace, love and be full of pure intelligence and joy!
Those that are not in a healing state may want to die.  They don’t see that life is being created and they feel dead or death.  They eventually tend to destroy themselves, good and snuff out the light around them.  Yet in a cleansing state, they cry a lot, see the hurt and the dead, they are hurt at the death and sometimes bitter.  Eventually, they go into a peaceful place in their own soul.  Then they create and see beauty in all, and love all around them.  They are very pleasant to be around and create JOY!
                          OUR BODIES ARE RECEPTACLES or RECEIVERS

Pure messages                                              Nature’s peace (open on top)           Satan’s attempts (warned on the left)
Come in from heaven (right side)                                                                          God is Joy!

3rd EYE “Mind’s Eye” SEE open to                                                                         Check the Face; is there a SMILE?  =Open to Light
                                                                                                                                Frown?  = closing….(Pray for them, and YOU!)
                                                                                                                                SCOWL?  =Watch out!  CLOSED (no light in)

TOP VIEW                          Back of head; clear message—come through here.

                                                3rd EYE; mind’s eye—visuals of past, present and future
Left side NOISE                                                                                                                 5 AREAS!  
“Logic of man”                                                                                                                                   Right Side
Natural man; enemy to God, Satan’s deceits                                                                  WORDS, Guidance
                                                                                                          Peace of nature, Heaven’s pure beam
                                                                                                                                    Of light, energy coils
                                                                                                                                        Angel’s messages                           

                                              Just love ALL and see what enfolds!

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