Wednesday, August 29, 2012

We are Here to Learn

1994 NOTES

We are called to serve Him, Heavenly King of Glory; here to serve Him, not ourselves our whole lives.  If we are always telling each other what to do, we will never learn what to do.  We learn from one another—by example.  In the council of the God’s in heaven; we learned from one another and taught one another.  We are here to learn.  We think we are here to teach our children, but we are really here to learn from them.  We are here to help one another.  Life is made by God, so we are dependent upon others.  We can only be complete if we learn to work with others.  We cannot be saved by ourselves-- with the Savior we have hope. 

Relationships; we are saved by grace after all we can do.  Not dependant in a groveling sort of way but dependant in an all encompassing way—while we are dependent on others to meet our salvation, they are dependent upon us for their salvation—to work out our salvation before God, and learn on this earth plane.  In the beginning Adam had all things but a help meet.  In order to progress through the purpose of this life, to allow spirit children who had progressed to a point, they needed to come here to earth.  We are dependant upon one another.  If we refuse to be, we won’t progress.  We need to recognize the fact that others can do things that we cannot do, then we can progress—in our own sphere of influence.  And the prisoners shall all go free—prisoners of pride.

We are all criminals to some extent—in that we have all broken God’s laws to some extent. 

What kind of prisoners are we?  In one sense or another; stuck in a passion for worldly things, habits, past wrongs not repented of, or we haven’t asked God to be forgiven. There is also pride, the desire to appear better than others, hypocrisy, and an unwillingness to help, or to love others.  Through Jesus, the prisoner shall go free.  We have to do our part; but realize we are dependent.  Face our own feelings of inadequacy or bondage.  God has said; you are my sons’, and my daughters’; there is in you the potential to become like Him, or Her. 

See His hand in all things and ourselves; how do we speak to ourselves? 

The hand that created the sunset created the potential in us.  We cloud ourselves and minds and thoughts and countenances because of our selves; not every evening we have a beautiful sunset.  Sometimes storm clouds can be behind a beautiful sunset.  Behind every one of you, without exception, there is a son and daughter of God; potential to be like God.  Moses encountered in the Pearl of Great price 1st chapter 6 or seventh verse; “thou are in similitude of the only begotten of God.  Full of grace and truth; all things are present with me for I know them all”.  Doesn’t He know your thoughts--your inadequacies?  He already knows those things and He hasn’t zapped you yet.  He already knows these things.  He is waiting for you to tell Him that you know that He knows.  You won’t give him any information, since He knows all things, but you will give yourself information.
When the presence of God left Moses and grace left; he fell to the earth.  We literally fall to being subject to things of the world.  “And now I know that man is nothing”, is what he saw.  If we are being honest with ourselves, we can see which things we never supposed, or learned—yet this is dependent upon higher power—or higher perspective.  Think of how Moses was raised with a pharaoh.  Moses saw God with spiritual eyes.  Key:  We see God with our spiritual eyes.  Go to the temple and really listen to what is said.  Satan came tempting the son of man, saying, “Worship me”. 

When we put aside and do not see the hand of God in all things, His creations (us), then Satan comes and says “Worship me”; And we do with cars, houses, thoughts, worries, fear, being above another.  Moses saw man was not above anything!
Moses asked Satan; who are thou?  Where is thy glory that I should worship thee?
Moses had just been transfigured before God; through His glorious LIGHT and truth and spirit which permeated through all the flesh, or things of the flesh.  See the things of God; with your spiritual eyes.  

There are two ways to see things; For instance, you are taking care of a crying child. 

Two ways to see the situation;
1—“This kid is driving me crazy” (seeing them through natural eyes)
2—“I wonder if I was this way as a child.  Yet Mom/Dad was patient with me”. (Compassion) Asking the child; “How can I help you?” (Serving God by serving His Creation)

Asking; how can I be more loving?  And, can I see the hand of God in this creation, or teenager, or husband, wife…? Etc.

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