Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Feelings You Must Explain

That’s been the problem—you feeling you must explain, apologize, start up friendships again…be a “peacemaker”, make him happy, say the “right things”, explain it all.  Like feeling you “should” take him to lunch to clear the air, to talk, to explain your new-found understanding….it is for you, not him…for you to live, not him to understand.  He must come to you.  Not you to him.  When you go to him you step out of your South position and "he" has no south.  Then the wobbling begins.  Stay!  Stay put!  He must reach his hand out to you, looking west, not south.  Your hand is out isn’t it?  (Yes) So leave it there!  “Beam” him love, pray for him.  Remember to PRAY for him—put his name in the temple and leave him in God’s hands.  Would you want someone besides Christ, to think they can “save” you?  You understand now don’t you?  Satan wants to save us too—to step out of the South, purity and God’s will, to his own will, his own way.  Thus “the war on the woman” means the woman will constantly try to save man, “her man”, and things will constantly be out of sync and order.  Until the woman STAYS PUT! Stays with Christ!  Christ is in the south to aide you and all women!

The “curse of Eve” is that she still has the same needs as man—we are just seen differently.  As some untouchable, mystery, attractive, illusive, enchanting, annoying—something to reach out and “conquer”.  (This is the natural man’s sight towards women.)  Women annoyed at men for this and men annoyed once they “get” the woman---she doesn't solve his emptiness.  He must solve his own emptiness—His separation from God, and his Son of God status.  Until he truly believes it--is “born anew in Christ”--then he will search from “sea to shining sea”.  Rape is the very edge of man’s anger, towards himself, turned outward towards anyone.  His unrighteous need to conquer and control.  His true joy is found in conquering and controlling him-”self”—the natural man and ego.  The Garden of Eden is when man didn't  have to sweat (and fight) and conquer…himself.  Or to get food for his family.  He is angry at Eve for his current status, unable to see that work is a blessing to his natural man—to conquer himself through self-discipline and intelligent work.  As long as he is working toward the perfect end.  “To multiply and replenish the Earth” And return the earth back to an Eden-like state by replenishing the earth as well.  Mankind has multiplied very well but how have we replenished this earth?  Or women?
When the earth is renewed and "receives it's Paradisaical Glory" or becomes Terrestrial, all will be happy--because they are happy inside.  But if  "he" is in the conquer mode, he cannot be happy.  When a man acknowledges his shadow side—the one that must conquer and control” and says, “Thanks for showing me that God is wiser and great and I need Him to rescue me from myself”, then he will achieve the balance he needs, in addition to replenishing the earth.  

When both male and female acknowledge and honor shadow, multiply and replenish the earth, seek balance then --he and she-- will then be working with God. 

Eve will be happy when she acknowledges and honors her shadow --her natural woman “need” to be accepted and loved, by a man to make her whole.  And to have children.  What about those women who can’t have children?  Are they less?  Not at all.  They can still have “posterity”; Are not all in pattern of eventual Godhood?  To nurture and love all of Gods children.  Aren't’ all “your own children on loan from God?  She is also Bringer of Life; Mother of all living.

A woman is symbolic of Jesus the Christ.  He laid down his life for man with blood and water.  Every time a woman gives birth, she “lays down her life” and through blood and water, gives life to body and spirit.  Jesus the Christ gives life to the body through the Resurrection, and to our spirit through repentance, acceptance of him and baptism, ordinances and covenants. Even without having children she can do this—by hearkening to the voice of the Lord in her daily life.  Lift down trodden hands; that is why Relief Society was started; as a pattern and tool to teach women how to pull out of themselves and serve God—by serving their fellowmen.  Service to earth and man-- is the key; Man to bless the earth, women to bless the Spirit of God in the flesh.

“Menopause”—Men—pause.  Returns woman to her former Eden-like position as a child.  Prepares her to focus on all of God’s children, not just her own.  Expands her vision, enlightens and inspires her.  Not a curse, but a great blessing!  For she is promised that as her heart is right and  she desires to serve Father and to hearken to his voice, through the spirit (husband) then she  will receive all the Eternal Promises.  Eternity is a long time!

Whether she is 33 or 43 or 53, when she is done with bringing the spirit bodies down, she is done.  God knows.  Now it is time to nurture the spirits of those around her and those placed in her path by Christ.  To listen to the voice of Christ.  Then directly or indirectly receive and hearken to the voice of the Father--she can do it.  It will return her to the state of, “being as a little child”.  She won’t have to “worry” about getting pregnant any longer because that phase is done, for now in her earth walk.  She can be a true instrument in God’s hand, “Humble, meek, submissive (to God) forgiving.” 

·         You have a work here and it is not “your” children.  It is “My Family.” 
·         To help others see the good in themselves.  Their religions and culture. 
·         To show the Truth about it all.  The false concepts and traditions, and the parts to rejoice over. 
·         You have eternities to come.  Don’t worry about certain things that will take place in the eternities.  Right now the Father has a place for you.

·         Bringer of Life—Garden, sing, dance, paint, volunteer, love your family, rejoice in your husband, and follow my Spirit.  All have little child within to care for, love—your “posterity”;    The Savior as a guide.  Yoke to Him.  Follow the spirit as it directs for your “informal” education.  

I     I want to prove through you that God is powerful and can use “the weak things of the earth” for His purposes.  You don’t need a “degree” of man.  Just a degree of God’s spirit—without Him you are nothing.  Without a job, the degree of man means nothing.  You don’t have a job to use your ‘degree’ without God’s spirit---so listen!  Learn.  Believe.  Write it down.  Keep good records.  Write your thoughts and feelings down about healing, cultures, etc. 

·         Use your journals as your “scientific study” of Life.  Life is one Big Laboratory.  It won’t affect your eternal standing to get your “tubes tied” through earth time and earth’s promises.  Your tubes will eventually degenerate anyway!   

      Thus you never have to worry about the “empty nest”—because you keep your nest open to all of God’s children around you.  All are his children, all have a little child within, at all ages and cultures. 
·         Your great love will help heal and turn them to the joyous truth about themselves and God’s—He lives!  He loves us.  She lives, She loves us!  The gospel of Christ is True.  He is the Way and the light and the life.  You never need to worry about “being loved” and accepted by a man.  You are loved through and through by the greatest men!

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