Friday, May 4, 2012

7-Male and Female are Written in the Body

Male and Female As "Written" in the Body....

            Left                                                                  Right
Male Logical                                                               Female Creative
Gentle Commands          Control Center                    Life Giver
Kind precepts;             Hypothalamus;                        “I do all that I have seen
“Cast your burdens        regulator of Hormones        the Father do.”
at his feet                    Balancer between                   Healer manifests light
And guard your           the two;                                   and commands from
children well….”          Spirit; eye of faith                   Left side; decides—
RESPECT                   Harmony.                                Helpmeet power first;
                                    Peace.  Spirit.                          Respect for her.
                                    COMPASSION                         HONESTY--"Real"

November 6, 1995
Male receives first from the Father’s throne; gives to female—He is to discern truth.
She receives from the male, IF he accepts from God. She gives back to him; life and love and creations—ideas.

       BODY                           Father Commands
Christ Receives
                                                                                      Holy Ghost Sanctifies

May 4, 2012  The energy switches at the throat.  Making the right side-after the throat-the "male side"
and the left side-after the throat-the "female side".  When we shake hands with our right, we are "Giving"...a healthy male energy as; "Helper of Mankind". And we "Receive" with our left hand....a healthy female energy as; "Bringer of All Life".
The imbalance happens when:
Male seeks t;o take, take, take
and women; give, give, give.
HOWEVER, God our Creator, created us so that;
Male energy gives or Helps and... 
Female receives or Nurtures....
Thus, as "One" in harmony, anyone of us, male and female together inside us, can create and do much good. 
When we honor and respect the male and female inside of us, we are One.
In that moment.
and we feel at peace, in joy and can receive the Spirit into our Souls for a fullness of joy--in that moment.

The End Design for us by our Father;
"For it is my Work and Glory, to Bring to Pass, the Immortality and Eternal Life of man."
"Adam fell that men might BE, and men are that they might have JOY." 

The male in us, as Helper of Mankind and the female within as Bringer of Life.

Women are taught to give until they die in our cultures. And we do.  Inside first.
Men are taught to take until they burst. And they do. Outside rage.
Both of these false traditions harm our souls.  
Instead we ought to seek for the Christ.  The I AM.
The perfect male.  The One who understood and respected all life.  He taught men how to heal and nurture and be kind, forgiving and what Father's manly love LOOKS like--NOW--so the male can truly, with respect, honesty and compassion, "Help", and be of real value to themselves and others so they can bring forth beauty.
And Christ showed women what unconditional love FEELS like, so they can bring forth life; creation.

How our long-standing cultures lie to us! 
And how happy are we?
How peaceful?

Yet God told Adam and Eve in the Beginning to, "Multiply and REPLENISH the earth."  
Each of us, male or female can do this daily.  
In the morning;
We can...when energy is "male" and "ready to GO!"...
SIT DOWN, take a moment to fill our wells, open our hearts, pray to our God and give Thanks.  Get centered in Christ and doing God's Will for that day.  Doing things in Balance. Be ready to Receive....
This is being male and honoring the female energy of receiving to Nourish....during the "male energy" of our day.  (See the Spin of Life Journal--Sun Time).
PRACTICE Appreciation for proper manifestation of the hearts desires.... 

Then go out and Multiply and Replenish! 

To honor God, we must do BOTH each day.

THEN, in the afternoon, when it's a calmer, female nurturing energy (See the Spin of Life Journal--Earth Time), it's good to Receive in and enjoy by review, God's Hand in our lives that day....See Him!
Take IN the good that was reaped by you and God and others in your day! 
In the afternoons, our natural tendency and cultural training is to go, and go and go some more....exhausting ourselves.  
But if we take some time to relax into our evenings, do things that are uplifting, our days can end with deeper satisfaction.  
PRACTICE IN AWARENESS for inner sight & proper intentions....

Throughout the day...
Do an INSIDE CHECK; are you frantically trying to finish something?  Breathe!  TRUST instead in Divine Timing.  If you are centered and grounded and truly seeking God's Divine Will and Timing, all will work out! If you are stressing out, you are giving too much--or, trying to BE what you are Not.  

Do some deep side-breathing.  Remember God.  Think on Christ.  Give Thanks.

Through more awareness of the wonderful Male and Female Creative energy inside, EACH OF US, and by honoring it each day, we can live lives with Power to Act and Not be Acted upon, and reap blessings or rewards through living Moral lives and thus create lives of happiness, right-use-ness, enjoyment, fun--deeply rich and blessed. 

2012 May 4
About Being Obedient to Our "Husband":
We take the part of us that is "female"...our flesh, and go to Christ first and RECEIVE him.
As we daily seek to do as he does, "Come, follow me and do as I do," and "Father, Thy Will be Done." 
we will become more than his "Friend", we can become his "Bride".  We overcome the flesh and return to the spirit.  Our lives all began in the Spirit, and we will "Go to Home Him who Gave us Life.

Then the "male" part of us, our ability to act and not be acted upon, can "sup with him.  Talk with him, and get to know the feel of him in the room and know what his voice sounds like. We can, "Take his image upon our countenance." 

In a very real, yet symbolic way, Christ can become our "husband".  No matter what gender we are.  We are commanded to, "Be one, as I and the Father...and the Holy Ghost, are One."  One spirit.  One love.  One purpose.  He is the Bridegroom and we can BECOME the Bride.  We hearken to our "husband"--Christ, AS HE hearkens to the Father--at All Times. 
We can trust him.  He showed us by the way he lived, talked, loved and worshiped our Father in Heaven.
Jesus Christ, God's own physical Son, showed us what Our Father, "Abba", is really like; LOVE.
Everything is done THROUGH Christ first. The I AM
But, we Worship the Father...meaning, we Go to God and Live, and Do all things in the name of Christ....because we are his bride. One with him!  REAL & True.

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