Saturday, November 24, 2012

Perfect Love is Now-ness!

In a brief and funny conversation with my friend, we've decided that our mountains of laundry are simply a part of the landscape; “Purple mountains majesties….” She said, and the kitchen is the “fruited planes” that are all over the kitchen from small little hands.
It’s all about trying…..let those things flow through you and not get emotionally bogged down with housework to be “done”…..

And later I was in a bookstore, grazing the titles and dipping into the waters of light and truth in each opened page, some thoughts and words to spark remembrance;
The title called; “Slowing down to the Speed of Life” by Carlson and Bailey.  Even the title is great!  “How to create a more peaceful, simpler life from the inside out”

Then also looking at the “Psychology of Mind”, training and seminars (P.O.M. Foundation)
“...It's not what your are doing that brings you joy as much as it is a relaxed mind-set.  When your mind is calm, your entire life will seem calmer.”
Being always “present” means that through our spirits, in a body, a NOW being, we can only receive what is being Spiritually broadcast constantly; inspiration, insights, dreams, visions, minds eye, animal message, nature’s spirit…which is constant. if we are in the now.  Thus the energy in us, and our mind light swells.”  When we are in the now; Past doesn't exist, nor does the future.

More from Slowing Down to the Speed of Life book;

Each time the issue comes back into your mind, gently put it back on the back burner again, until you have a strong sense of knowing.”  Going into a free-flowing mode”.
---This is so hard to do in our society of "make your decision now!", or "Make up your mind!"---
Decisions need not be the product of sleepless nights, but of a calm, clear certainty…
…Get out of process mode and go into free-flowing mode when it comes to deadlines.  It is how we think about deadline that determines if they are a challenge, a pain, or terrifying.
Appreciating each moment.

Remember, a mind that isn't distracted with it’s own thoughts about the past or future, is able to make wise, appropriate decisions.  This is not a prescription for denial, for pretending that life is different than it really is, instead, it is a reality check; a reminder that the only true working unit of your life is this very moment.  The rest is all in your imagination….
The only moment that you have any control over—is this one.
A calm mind, operating at the speed of life, is a compassionate mind.
“….A mind operating at the speed of Life, accepts things—and people—for what they are, right now.   You will still encourage your child to be their very best, but you won’t demand that they be better than they are to earn your love.  The result will be that your children will feel more loved and respected, which will increase their feeling of self-worth.

Every relationship has the potential for transformation.  A change in the level of understanding of even one person can put hope into the equation of love and shift the balance from despair to optimism.

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