Thursday, November 8, 2012

Love and Perceptions

“Love to me means being truly comfortable.  Just having you around feels comfortable; what’s more loving than that?”

Do our perceptions make us feel uncomfortable?
Is a “sin” a false perception that we have acted upon, breaking the laws that keep us connected to the spirit light?  Fogging our clarity, or sight?

FEAR is said to be;

“Shut her down when she starts to remember”
“Shut her down when she starts to see”
Demons, and those in the dark, don’t want you to see their dark works, 
they don’t want anyone to spot their lies.
They rule from the place of darkness and lies.  They rule from the core of fear.
Fear of being found out.
They take what is sacred and turn it to fear.
They take what works and turn it to mysteries.

GOD is synonymous to simple truth and simple love; as a child.

All the answers, meaning all the truth and simple love already dwells within our Spirits, and our Spirit is directly connected to our souls.  Our souls are connected to our body.
What better way to separate mankind from the god-within but to make god live “out there”;
“God is up in a throne way out in the heavens”; untouchable, unknowable and not understanding.
Then the men of fear step in and say; "I will rule here."
And they do.

They rule with fear in the hearts of the children of men.
They stomp out everything that is worthy, good, light and happy.
They anoint our minds to forget everything that passes beyond this gateway.  
Forget everything you see and do.  
They drug the body so the mind is slow and can’t process reason.  
Then they strip you naked.  
You are vulnerable.  
Then they control everything after that and hurt you if you don’t cooperate, scare you and threaten your parents and your family.  
You think you are going to be set free but then you aren't.
You become numb to words.  
Yet the words are what they use to control you later. 
That is the pattern of those who separate us from our Spirit’s--from GOD.

This is a Myrna Script, with Ho-Oponopono added, plus my “Soul Synergy”
"Divine Creator,
Father, Mother, Son as One—
If I, My Family, Relatives and Ancestors…..
In Thoughts, Words, Deeds and Actions
From the Beginning of our Creation to the Present
Have offended you in any way, 
We ask your Forgiveness—
“I’m sorry, Please Forgive me, I Love you, Thank You Divine”
Let this Cleanse, Purify,&  Release---
Cut all the Negative Memories, Blocks, Energies and Vibrations---
And transmute these unwanted energies to PURE LIGHT---Soul synergy/Soul synergize---And it is Done."

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