QUOTES from Heroic Path, by Trafford
Criticism just makes us shrivel and die inside.
Can you look at yourself in the mirror and say, “I don’t
like the way you feel right now….but I love you and accept you, just the way
you are, and I am taking care of you!”
When you are unhappy or out of sorts, give yourself the same
time and attention you would a beloved child who is feeling hurt or upset. The little child within us is sensitive and
responds to love.
Who then will give you the love and total acceptance you
need for health and happiness? It is up
to YOU to find that love within yourself.
As you love and support yourself, so does God and the Universe
support you.
Unconditional love has to begin inside you, right now. Only then does life raise you up in strange,
unexpected ways and fill your life with
“Make a commitment to yourself to love yourself and find joy
in your life.”
(Page 14)
Joy in your current spouse, marriage, home, family, friends.
Regardless of any response from others, joy is FOUND inside
yourself—never outside yourself.
You can never give or make Love or joy in another person.
When you feel pain in your body when talking to another
person they were injured in that spot. Either
by allowing it to hurt or being hurt first-- There is always a space of choice
to accept as true or not.
Some pattern over again!
Because we have been hurt and criticized as children--we no
longer believe in ourselves--or our ability to speak up!
Which one is consistent and most honest;
Feeling loved FROM
EARTHLY Parents and Siblings or HEAVENLY Parents & Angels
“The highest mountains are almost always above the
An “enemy” is that which causes pain. Perhaps agreeing with thine enemy, means
agreeing with your pain—or someone else’s—in other words, acknowledge it.
Honoring your pain is the first step to healing
it. Pain is like a cloud; it seems to be
solid but is merely gaseous and can be moved, shifted and dissipated.
Some say that people change when they are married, but I
say, “People try and change each other when they are married.” Now that’s the misery! We thought “love” and loving us meant,
accepting us. We didn’t’ know it meant anything
else. When we seek to change another person
for our own benefit. We chose them “as
is”. Perhaps this is why we are so happy
around our friends…….we invite them into our lives when we want them in. And perhaps this is why marriage is one of
the most challenging and most unselfish of all relationships.
You know you have the freedom to not have them as a friend
or take them as a friend, knowing exactly what they’ll give you, or not
provide for your spirit’s growth.
For some reason, we look to the spouse to be the only one to
“complete” us!
But how can an incomplete person complete you?
The only way to be Complete is to see ourselves as we ARE, and to Be Like The Christ.
They too are only made of bits and pieces of divinity; outwardly.
Inwardly we are all whole.
And it is, I believe, only when we go inward, and tap into our own,
inward strength and true, whole and free connection to God, and the God within,
that we truly feel complete; we’ve been complete all along!
A Realization of our Wholeness comes after a great deal of
outer and inner challenges.
I believe when Jesus said to the people; be ye therefore
perfect, even as I and my father are Perfect: he meant perfectly living and
Our bodies are like cracked armor, shrouding our perfect Spirits. Each has cracks, dinks and holes in different
places in that armor of flesh and mortality.
We can pretty much tell where the battle (pain) is taking place in, by different vibes and feelings we get
from the person as we talk to them or interact with them. We can also tell where our cracks
are—whenever we get irritated or angry, that’s OUR weak spot to look at with the eyes of love—
How do we suit up in protective armor?
Put on the whole armor of God, or in other
words, allowing our pure Spirit to come back into our be-ing and dwell. Since our spirit is of God and Goddess elements,
spirit, pure---we allow them to “come back” through being “empty”.
It’s crazy, but our whole lives we work to fill ourselves up
with good things; thoughts, intelligence, memories that serve us, being
“mindful” and becoming “aware”….when in the end, we empty all of the noise,
realize that “we” (the human element) is “nothing”, or “void”, and when we
allow the void to be free and clear, clean and quiet, our beautiful, pure
spirit can, and will, come into that void.
Not only does nature hate a vacuum, but so does the Universe!
The more we “try” the more we “die”.
Some of the strange universal, God-written laws in the
fabric of time and space;
-The more we give, the more we receive
-to get out of negativity, we must think of what we are
thankful for….continually
-Sin is separation from God; or our pure spirit that is
continually connected to “God”
-Righteousness=right thought, positive, loving; right words….right
-we don’t “own” anyone!
We are “sealed” into the pure spirit realm
-dominion means stewardship
Getting away from our domination's through “love, sex and
marriage; our focus on our loins, instead realizing ALL are to be “as a little
child of God; humble, meek, submission to God, willing to submit to ALL GOD sees fit---and GOD always comes from the place of Pure Love and Truth….so
why not submit to the Right Source?
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