Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Why Am I Sooooo Tired?

Things…..when you place value and meaning in them….they ZAP your energy.
What should I do?
I have no energy to put it away, or sort it, or handle it right now….
Release it’s hold on you.  On your spirit and body.
Clear it’s hold on your vital energy.
Stop thinking about it.
Think on the Lord—hold His hand.
Seek God’s Loving will all the day.
Even though to others you may seem lazy—or like you need to clean it up, the idea of a perfectly clean, orderly home must go! And then your energy will return—
Get rid of most toys. Small things; Old clothes.
Getting a new toy or shirt?
Give away an old one to the poor.
Do this with the children too.
Mid clutter—Don’t read junk mail!
Use coupon notebook for car and dry cleaning coupons—Thursday folder.
For dinner movie coupons;  use Friday and ideas of dates.
Order clothes, toys, bedding from catalogs [internet now]; it gives you more time to think about it and earn money.  Eliminates impulse buying.
Fresh produce—eat lots of it! Saturday Farmer’s Markets, Health Food Stores, Local Produce.
Get nice labels for glass not plastics storage in pantry.
Outside a lot with children. Make tiered garden on slope by swings. Exchange grow boxes with storage shed.
Clothing; trim down on.
Styles come and go.
Look and feel good about looks.

Why get up before the sun at dawn?
For your body and spirit…to come and rise together; and to beat the insects up!  They come out with the sun.
Why did the Savior get up before the sun? Do you think He knew something?
Set your alarm if you have to .
One half hour to one hour before the sunrise—changes daily—get to be half hour to hour 1 ½ hours at max after sunsets.  I promise no depression if you do.  You’ll see clearly, walk strong, keep focus, be happy, organized, and creative and accomplish much good.
Make home and living fun. You’ll be able to do this is you get up early and to bed early.
Each room has a purpose.
Music, reading, art, crafts, computer, sewing, cooking, food projects, eating, rest…
We ;have a tendency, when things are going well, and you’re feeling good; the family is happy, etc. to take charge, take credit, and try to do more of your own things.
Then you frazzle out, try this, when things are going and feeling well; go back to your center, to God—as if you were unbalanced and upset, you tend to get busy with those projects you wanted to do.  Simplify, simplify…instead of going gung ho cleaning the walls, or whatever, go outside with the children.  Or go to a museum, etc.  Follow the spirit.  The time to be and serve and love and enjoy is when you are together.  Things will take care of themselves.
When feeling good it’s time to sit down and rest and love the children, watch them learn and grow.  Take joy in them.  Just be with them.  You’ll be greatly bless as you do this.  Read scripture, record impressions, etc.
Watch your thoughts ,humble yourself, pray always, be believing and I will call you blessed.  Do good, be good. Speak no guile, watch your mind. Quiet mind-- quiet tongue.  Forgive all.  “Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord”.  Judgment too…love all serve all, care about all.

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