Wednesday, September 26, 2012

An Individual Dot

An individual dot can only stay in one place.  Two dots together can move on a parallel line, forever.  Whether they are close or place far apart, they are still on a parallel plane; an eternal line.
How far does the line go? Forever!
Temple marriage and being equally up on the same line, creates an eternal line.  However, in all marriages, until both are sealed up to eternal life, one person (spouse) is always higher or lower than another’s. Thus, we get this; a skewed line.
Only Christ can heal this discrepancy. Remember, a husband and wife, in being asked to “be one”, it isn’t a dot, heaped upon another dot; where then is the movement, the flowing—the singular line of eternity?
Is this or is this not ONE line?
Working TOGETHER to make an eternal line, the man and woman step into ONE in purpose and DESIGN. Are you both on the LINE of ETERNAL commitment, unconditional LOVE and MARRIAGE=Companionship?
The INNER TUBE Parable
From a dream June 1995
I was trying to stay on my husband’s black, slippery inner tube as we floated together down the swift, large river. And I was slipping off; he couldn’t hold onto me, no matter his strength. The water current was drawing me under. Then, as if an invisible hand swooped down and grabbed me, I was suddenly on a blue, yellow and white inner tube of my own. Now both he and I were floating down the SAME River but rightfully on our OWN inner tubes. Unique and fit just for each of us.  His was large and black, and mine was lighter, smaller and white with splashes of color all over it.  Soon I floated ahead of him and out of sight.  I could feel his anxiety, but I felt free.  My inner tube and his were on the same river, yet each was designed to go where the river of life floated us individually, and to experience different eddies, sights of cliffs and land, even diverting into branches of streams, then coming back into the “mother river”.  We’d occasionally ride the same waves and yet, we’d be in and report in at the same campground each night.  
She was freed to pursue her gifts and talents—if she had stayed on her husband’s inner tube, she would be sucked under and drowned!  Yet, a loving heavenly hand and power, intervened in her soul and body’s behalf and gave her a pretty inner tube of her own, and sent her on her way, down the SAME River of life, towards the same ocean and ultimate goal as her husband’s.  

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