Found in upper road on
Glen circle, a rock that looks like a bear crouching on the ground, ready to
spring. I call it Bear Rock. It is now catching the early morning sun,
with long morning shadows. To the north of
that rock is “womb rock”. That rock looks like, well…a gigantic stone womb.
NOW is the time for
women to gather WISDOM, for mothers to be WISE.
Now is the time for men to rest
in the South; of re-birth, newness of life, innocence; “As a child”.
Too often a LARGE and FALSE TRADITION has crept into a new
marriage, one that hasn’t stood the test of time, or “earned” ONENESS, is the idea that upon
marriage, the mortal man and woman are now blended together into “one”. One body.
Are God and Jesus Christ separate beings, yet one in purpose? Yes!
So it is in Marriage. A man or woman that persist in INSISTING
or forcing the other spouse to “be me”, and lose their own identity, and
someone “blend” as one, are faulty. Just
a Father Rock is separate from Mother Rock, each with their own light, life, purpose, position and shadow—and,
experience. If a man or woman, as a couple,
forces this “oneness”, saying such
things as; “What’s yours is mine”—“You do as I wish”—“read my mind”—“You fill
my needs”…. Then it’s as if they are one rock. One of them must now sit in the
shadow, and one is perceived as “the strong one”-- in the light.
Sooner or later, the shadow spouse who is dominated, will
complain of the moss and the dank, darkness.
Each spouse must “Be” their own “rock”.
Having their own strengths and weaknesses. They stand on the same hill,
receive their light from the same sun.
However each will be in a different position, not one on top of the
other. If that is the case the man or woman
is, again domineering over and an eventual “crushing” happens unless the spouse
underneath is moved by Providences great hand—usually through a BIG natural
event like an earthquake—or threat of divorce, a death, or an affair.
So as each spouse
RESPECTS the other person’s position and creation, RECEIVES Sun and Light from The
SOURCE—and HONORS their own positioning—then, they are truly ONE.
On my walk—Two twigs I
picked up. First one, then “accidently”
dropped it. Then I found the second one
when I leaned down and picked up first one.
Second one first
Notice how they cradle into each other like a couple “in
love”. Yet, they are still separate. One
spouse may be larger, stronger than the other, but they are still separate. They can listen together, share the same
values, like both being sticks, or both being rocks, yet male is still separate
than the female.
All things have male & female. They may intertwine like a tree trunk, yet
the energies of male, of female stay separate=energy=life. If, per chance, they do merge into ONE, they
become NEUTRAL=no good, no energy, no power, no life; “Lukewarm—to be spit out.”
Marriage is a beautiful thing. A “union” is a oneness of PURPOSE, keeping
the beautiful and unique differences between male and female different and
honorable and honored.
Anytime a man or woman gets angry at another spouse for
being “different” from them, they are stepping out of their proper positions;
they lose power and become weak and angry.
Anger is weakness. Anger comes from feeling a lack of their own control
and they almost always “seek unrighteous dominion.”!
And the more they stay in that angry position the weaker
they become! The eternal, positive energies of all the people around are
offended greatly by this show of weakness.
Anger that is expressed or “used”
to control others, or a situation, is also a coward’s way out—the inability to
face one’s own shadow, one’s own feelings—“good and bad.” To build strength of
character takes inner courage, and constant vigilance, awareness, repentance
and replacing the “bad” with “good”. Overtime, this will build a healthy
character that no longer needs to use anger to control life, but they then
control their own life—and that becomes good enough!
The best thing one can do around those who are angry is to step
back into your own power; to act and not be acted upon. This is when it is time to take a “Warrior”
stance; “I am responsible for my own thoughts and behaviors—and you are
When a person is using anger to
control you, or a situation, it’s from a weakness within themselves, or the
situation. A better response is
obviously to be responsible for building strength. If this means to leave the room, then do
it! If the person is attacking you
personally, give them a “soft answer”, then get out of there! We can do as
Christ and “say not a word.”
When person lashes out at another in anger they are really
having a childish temper tantrum! Run! Leave them to their own bad energy
The feeling of anger in itself is not “bad or good”. It just
is. Usually under normal circumstances,
it comes up when something that is important to us is being threatened. Whether it’s to be “the authority”…our
improper, sinful, mind-set set’s us up for this one. Or “to be heard”—or, to “be respected”, or whatever. Once we
abandon our desire for others to validate us, but get our confidence from our
walk with God, we don’t get angry at these “lacks of” in others.
Once we acknowledge our own shadows, surrender our
earth—will to God’s will, which puts us back into line with our OWN true will,
our eternal selves, our “good” powerful, loving self who we really are
selves. Then no amount of anger from
others can move us, when we are standing the rock of Truth.
Ask God to reveal one’s true self. One’s spirit self.
Be ready to also see your shadows! And be ready to know
which is shadow—not of Christ—and not
strengthening—and what is the true light of self, as a real Child of God. Be ready for the good that you are! Are you
ready to receive and accept the good? Or do you still want to believe you are
not good?—a lie.
I grabbed a stick on the larger, heavier end. It felt like a weapon. My thoughts were, “I
will protect myself from any snake!”, and I felt mean and tough. And then I felt the instruction; “flip it and
hold the other end.” Suddenly it felt like a Tool; calm, sweet—a Walking Stick
to aide me.
The heavy end==male
The lighter end=female
If one holds the male end heavenward, where it belongs, and
the female end is towards the earth, where she gives life, then the whole
stick, male and female, becomes a Tool;
to get somewhere—to have experience--to travel on a path, to pick fruit out of
If you are a female, and always protecting oneself, what end
are you holding?
Female + Female=Imbalance.
If you are getting somewhere, what side are you holding? The
female hand is holding male stick.
Male+female (you)=Energy/Life!
Flip your stick around! (for the woman who is protecting
If the male is protecting himself, what end is he holding?
Female. Male hand, female stick=power for him.
Anger is a
protection from hurt! A very poor one at that, but just IS.
WOMAN; use the male end (strength) to hold onto.
God is male, ultimate, pure, whole…and then, Get MOVING!
Adventure awaits you!
YOU must move your own feet.
Draw upon God for “permission” and power and focus, or purpose; to ACT,
not to be acted upon.
Not with the male end of the stick, as a club. Dodge! Be quick on your feet. Shields up!
Use the shadow to guide you to your light! As the male shouts, or tells you of your
faults, realize the god of darkness only dwells in darkness, and use this!
Know this; That you are the exact opposite of the shadow!
For instance; your spouse tells you that you are
ignorant. What is the opposite?
Intelligence. So the god of darkness saw
you were gaining Intelligence (knowledge, truth) and got angry—he wants to shut
down light! So he found a crack in your spouse, because of their weakness—in
this case, anger. And spoke to you through your spouse and called you
“ignorant.” This threw up doubt in your
mind. Another weakness. What is the fruit of the conversation? Weakness.
Who does it come from? God? No,
God is all about strength, light and truth—delivered with kindness,
longsuffering, patience. But Satan—the
god of darkness, delivers his messages through weakness, anger, doubt,
Instead of believing the god of darkness, go to the exact
opposite of the shadow. Even sending it thanks! Acknowledge it. Then flip it to
TRUTH. If a person, in shadow says you
are ignorant, then know you really are INTELLIGENT!
Whether it is one someone else that is pointing out to you that "weakness" they perceive you have and you DO have! As your exact opposite of what you
really are, or whether your own shadow is rearing up and pointing itself out to
you—in the form of criticism, etc.
Truth looks like a sunny day with fluffy clouds, hilltop
views, peaceful streams, birds singing and beautiful sunsets. And then when anger comes in like a lightning
storm, full of itself, vaunted itself –always about what you never or always
do, or don’t do….”You, you, you-ing you to death….” Half truths and half lies
creating the crashing blows of thunder…..and then outright lies are thrusts
into tender hearts; swords of their “truths”, that twist everything that is
good and true into a bloody mess. It
feels downright mean and nasty and cruel; a battle ground, red with blood and false
traditions, which leave no survivors.
I just saw that the inside pit of a peach looks like a