Thursday, June 7, 2012

If You Are Waiting for the Second Coming....

If You Are Waiting for the Second Coming…….
--Quotes from: The Christ Diet, p.142
“To be “ruled over” comes from the Latin “ruere”, meaning; “a guide for conduct”.
So if you are waiting for the Second Coming, it will be here when YOU decide to LIVE IT!
By nurturing all our bodies with The Christ Diet, we unleash the Creators’ life force energy to surge trough our every cell with the fire of purification.  It brings with it all the vitalizing forces of life and the eternal passion forgiving only love from our hearts with purity and innocence.
SEEK your blocks to The Christ; energy of universal Love and Understanding, and vitality can then flow unrestricted through our soul and out to the dense body.
KNOCK, and the doors will fly open to your creative powers, giving you the ability to access your highest spiritual intelligence.
ASK, and you will lovingly be given the keys necessary for true integrity and the conditions for the healing of your physical, emotional, and mental bodies.
ACCEPT your true worthiness, while joyfully and gratefully claiming spiritual responsibility, and your life will be filled with Spiritual Esteem and abundance of all kinds.

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