Yesterday’s Walk
April 28, 1994
“Walk to school with me”, begged my daughter. “There isn't enough time" I replied, "But I will walk to the bus
stop with you and walk part-way to see how far it is.” At the bus stop I said, “Goodbye” and headed
in a direction I realized, was the opposite circle of the one I last walked
with a friend.
As I walked I remembered what had been discussed by her and I; The Circle of Truth, family, forgiving, the power
of thought, inviting Christ to be there when you mentally (spiritually)need to talk
with someone, so it is done in love and acceptance. This really works. As I walked, I could see and remember all I’d
been tested about –everything, it seemed. My walking stick was a friend. As I came down the hill into the area, up
top, that I normally walk, at the turn, a beautiful long white bird flew across
the road. I’d not seen that type of bird
since I saw one at our joint friend’s home 2 years ago. I think it escaped from the zoo. As I approached the junction and place the
bird had gracefully flown from, the spirit said, “Stop”.
So I did. My soul was
rather tired and body-self. Everything
in me having been tried, I was ready for some direction, some kind word from
the spirit, such as; “You’re okay.” I
remembered the words my white Indian friend Lynn had said in her book, about
making a physical replica of your pain, or self, or habits or whatever and
ceremoniously accepting it-- and releasing it.
This would be giving it a place to be manifest. I thought of the habit of instantly judging,
something that the one who was to love me had chided me for over and over—I couldn’t help
but think that the person doing the chiding, about anything, was actually
struggling for praise or recognition. To
also know that they are,”Okay”.
I picked up an odd
shaped pointed stick with an “eye”, or actual hole in the stick. It was sharp, as if to represent the sharpness
of a pointing finger and judging; the eye—to represent; “I see you
sinning!” Then I saw and picked up a
jagged, thin piece of wood stuck into the ground. I believe it represented my depression,
putting my face in the mud and being afraid.
A small green plant picked up with root in tact seemed to be my habit of
not sharing my life, my talents, my humor, my true self—or being picked up
constantly by my roots as I sought to get a start forward, in sharing and doing
good things with my life.
A half pine cone, seemed to represent my seeking everyone
else’s approval, each voice contradicted each other, when I wasn’t focused on God
as my “center”. Like a broken pine cone,
it scattered and split me in pieces. A flat dead leaf (Eucalyptus) seemed to say to
me it was gossip, negative words about anyone at anytime. A helpful herb, or
healing word, turned negative and crushing other’s with words. How the leaf can be placed back down on the
ground, but has no root (truth) it can blow away easily in the wind; we can’t
call back the words once they are out.
I gathered up my
items and went to fresh rain water flowing down the main street. I noticed for a moment, the water flow, was
in the same shape as the twig I picked up yesterday. Feeling there was something about it. Something I’d be taught or would be important
to me---seeing the same shape as the road I stood on now. Is the main road the straight and narrow way
to God? The tributary—how I’d been off
so much-- So I chose to wash my items in that main road next to the tributary, signifying
that I am back on the main. Then I
thanked the lessons in each of the items, as the spirit explained them to me,
saw them as distractions from my path, or “sins” that separated me from the
spirit—I released them to belong, once again, on an off-road.
The water flowing reminded me of the River of Life that flows from God’s temple in Heaven as described
by so many who have seen heaven. I went
through each item and cleared it. It was very
powerful--very real. Several neighbors
up there drove by probably wondering about this woman with a walking stick
standing out on the corner of the road.
I stood my ground though. Now
that I think of it, that was a test to see if I’d care so much about what I
looked like—that maybe I’d back off and someone would drive over the items being washed in
the stream.
After I gathered the items, the dirt still clinging to the
depression stick, and saw a square rock in the grove underneath. I counted the sides; six. I also saw a snake like stick and picked it
up. The serpent. These would go with my items. Perfect.
All sins.
At home I wrapped
them carefully in newspaper, thanking them and honoring what they’d taught me
throughout my life. Love is only thing
that counts. God is so merciful and God’s
ways are mysterious. Who sent the bird
to fly over the exact spot where I’d find representations of exactly what I needed?
Honor & Noble
I finished the circle coming home in the west direction;
Woman and innocence, introspection.
Creating Beauty—Caring for Family and their contribution to
the world; Raising responsible, loving, capable children---Quietly loving,
caring about self and others—Centered on God only.
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