Friday, May 4, 2012

A Bear Rock Catching the Early Morning Sun

Found in upper road on Glen circle, a Bear Rock catching the early morning sun, with long morning shadow. To North was a womb rock.  Now is the time for women to gather.

WISDOM: for mother’s to be WISE. Now is the time for men to rest in the South; of re-birth, newness of life, innocence; “Be as a child”.
IN MARRIAGE; Too often a LARGE and FALSE TRADITION has crept into a new marriage, one that hasn’t stood the test of time or “earned” ONENESS, and that is that upon marriage, they are now “one”. One body,  one mind.
Are God the Father, and Jesus Christ separate Beings, yet one in purpose? YES! So it is in Marriage. A man and woman that persist in the idea that they MUST NOW “blend” as “one” are faulty. 

The stronger one will seek to be the “one” they become! And this, in turn, will break the union.

Just as Father Rock is separate from Mother Rock, each with their own light, life, purpose, position, intelligence, experiences, and shadow.  

If a couple forces this “oneness”—IE: “What’s yours is mine”, “You do as I wish”, “Read my mind”, “You fill MY needs”, then it’s as if they are one rock. One of them must be the shadow then , and one is the strong one, in the light.  Sooner or later, the shadow spouse, who is dominated, complains of the moss, and the dank darkness.  The other spouse, who is in the light, cannot understand them and treats them like they are crazy.  Since they don’t see the other one, only themselves as “one”. They are immature, self—centered, and a bit crazy!

Each spouse must “Be” their own rock.  They stand on the same hill, receive their light from the same sun.  However, earth will be in a different position, not one on top of the other.  If that is the case, the man or woman is, again, domineering over the other; an eventual “crushing” happens, unless the spouse underneath is moved by Providence’s great hand—usually through a BIG natural event, like earthquake (divorce?).  So as each spouse RESPECTS the other person, RECEIVES sun and light from the Source, HONORS their own positioning, then they are truly ONE.

Walking I picked up two twigs.  First one, then “accidentally” dropped it.  I found the second one when I leaned down and picked up the first one.
The first one was in a hockey stick shape, and the second one was smaller and fit right into the first one.

"Notice how they cradle into each other like a “couple in love”.  Yet they are still separate. One spouse may be larger, stronger than the other, but they are still separate.  They can sit together, sharing the same values, like both are “sticks”, or rocks, yet male is still separate than female. All things have male and female.  They may intertwine like a tree trunk, yet the energies of male, of female stay separate; energy=life.  If, per chance, they DO merge into ONE, they become NEUTRAL; no good, no energy, no power, no life. “Lukewarm” to be “spit out”, and cast away.
Marriage is a beautiful thing. A Union, is a “oneness of PURPOSE”, keeping the beautiful and unique differences between male and female, different and honorable; honored."

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