Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Until the Perfect Day


Every religion (except Satan’s) has truth in it—look for the priesthood power restored with the authority and ordinances in order to live a higher law, leading to fullness;you will find it if YOU listen to the Holy Spirit.

As you study truths from all over, keep in mind God’s ordinances, priesthood order and Christ.  Your foundation and compass on which to measure all things. That truth may be circumcised into one great whole.

Once earth (women) has accepted man, he can seek heavenward and bring heaven to earth. 
Or, in other words; Once we are actively building up Zion—one in heart and actual communities of Zion—communities which respect women, children, God’s order in nature, life, things that are sacred, and Deity, they will then have a proper place for the Bringer of Life—woman—then, men will seek God’s Kingdom to come down from Heaven, and will truly become Helper of Mankind, working closely with the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ.  The Savior will bring the Kingdom of heaven down, first into the hearts of man, then in actual physicality.  “On Earth as it is in Heaven,” was the prayer of Jesus the Christ.  This must be OUR desire and full intent each day.

Use reminders and remind our mind-- repeat and repeat-- so that spirit is made manifest in body/flesh.  So body can be purified and equal to Spirit of God which is within us; until the perfect day.
Our mind needs to be reminded of this over and over so that Spirit is made manifest until we feel the DESIRE, in our body or flesh.  So the whole body can be purified “As He is Pure”, or unified, and measure up, or equaled up to the Spirit of God which is within us.

Watch Thoughts--
--Either they are sucking away light, peace, goodness and truth—this you can know by how you FEEL when you think them, or someone else shares their thoughts…if they are trying to snuff out the light you will feel down (depressed) or a negative feeling (fear-based)
Or building spirit, listening closely as if you have a direct “antenna” to the frequency of God’s spirit—increasing the light in every cell, in every part of one’s self, in every dimension—for Spirit attracts more spirit, and light cleaves to light; even in the smallest degree.

That is why to “plant the seed” is to simply have a DESIRE to know, and then in order to cultivate that seed, we hold onto it with faith, and then after that seed grows through our nourishing of it through acting upon our impression or “insight”, we come to a knowledge of light and truth.
You know God by seeing His spirit or portion of His spirit in others eyes.  This is why your heart jumps, or rejoices, when you see it…it becomes more than light as mind connects to soul and then immediately to spirit; which is pure light. 
Satan perverts this light as a carnal (physical only), or lower level “attraction”
Christ shows that light we see and feel in another’s eye as spirit recollection and recognition.
See God’s spirit in all the degrees in people’s eyes around you.  “The light of the body is the eye”.
The things of the spirit are understood by the spirit.

                                When she/he accepts                                    stronger light received
                                The beam IN—                                                 stronger felt and seen….
                                You’ll see light
                                Twinkle in their eyes
The things of the spirit are understood by the spirit.
Let your light so shine that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven.

Let your light so shine that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven.  (We are not meant to prove anything!  The opportunity we are given to do good works is a blessing from our glorious Father—and we praise Him!  He can show His light and love through tender experiences with the spirit.  It is not a time to boost in our superior faith, because the “spiritual experience” happened to us, or to “prove our religion is right, or the one, or someone else’s is incorrect.  We are not here to prove anything to anyone else but ourselves.  We are here individually to grow our light by exercising faith in God with our flesh, and thus progress our soul towards more light and truth, or heavenly knowledge—Until the perfect day—when we shall see Him as He is, for we shall be like Him.  We are here to meet God’s spirit again, through our own spirit which resides in us.  “The Kingdom of Heaven is within”.  God’s work is loving—His perfect and pure and powerful unconditional love, not man’s very conditional “love”.  Since man in mortality is flesh, that love ends up being a love of flesh.  But God is Spirit and a glorified eternal body, and His love is eternal and glorified.  We can trust Him.

Men learn and obey the Father, who is in Heaven and Women are to listen and know the Voice of the Lord, Jesus Christ; He who created Earth for the Father. 
Women represent earth.  Both were made in the image of God; “both male and female created They Them”.

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