Tuesday, August 28, 2012

That's Why Your Heart is Unhappy

That’s why your heart is unhappy—because when you aren’t getting along with someone, you want to leap from frustration to love.  Both of you need to “get lifted up” and go up the emotional scale.  There is no way to feel love when you are frustrated, or they are angry.  It is not up to them to “make you feel love” anyway! 

Also, you could be focusing upon the wrong kind of “love”—a conditional one.  Why seek so much the love of man when you don’t love yourself?  Go to God and find out how God loves. 

Many Sages have suggested that when we can “count our blessings” and feel appreciation, then we can feel better.  How many of us have tried this when things are just not going very well? 
One day my daughter, who is in college and a younger student than most, called me frustrated about “everything”.  I had the thought to suggest that as soon as she got off the phone, that she try “counting her blessings” and not to stop until she got to at least 10 things she was grateful for.  Then see how she felt.  It turned out to be the “right” advice because she called later and left a “thank you Mom!  That really helped me” message on my phone.  However, this does NOT work when someone is angry!
That is the time that we have to simply try and “Love their spirits, not their flesh—or the “natural man”. And let them stew in their own juices.  Realizing, that if they are angry, it is their own deal--not ours.  Plus, if they are just coming out of being fearful, or depressed, then anger will feel better inside them than depression.  People are the masters of their own emotional ships.

Just like if you focus on the mind.  Anything we focus on, we “worship”.  
“God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, love and a sound mind”
(Perhaps this is why in the Sacrament, it is suggested that as we think of Him [Jesus Christ], that His spirit will “always” be with us; Power, love and a sound mind can “always” be with us….the more we practice this.  Have you ever noticed that when we step into that stream of love; the one  that  feels like it has “always” been there?  It’s because that love is always streaming by…..we just get to learn how to step in.)

The Heart
When your heart aches-- that means you are focusing upon someone loving you with their heart—someone that is not inside of that “perfect stream of love”, like God.

If God wants us to love Him with “all our heart, might, mind and strength”, then it makes sense that He loves us first that way.  And perhaps God is describing what love really feels like when we step into it’s stream!

There is a ancient story of the Garden of Eden.  There were two trees there.  One that brought our spirits into mortality through our ancient parents; Adam and Eve; the Tree of Good and Evil—and so the Law of Opposition was invited into the earth plane, as it exists throughout the Universe—how else could we have had free choice to choose God’s Plan, with a Savior? 

The second tree was free to be eaten in the Garden; until the Tree of Good and Evil fruit had been eaten, a transgression in God’s eyes; causing Adam and Eve to “fall” into Mortality.  But before they could partake of the other fruit, “The Love of God” and live “forever in their sins”—or separate from God, being now in the lower emotional vibration, or tapped into it, and needed to learn HOW to “repent”, and why they wanted to choose the “higher way” --of being in the stream of God’s love (their true inheritance as children of God) --they were cast out of the Garden, down to earth and into mortality—“To learn right from wrong; for themselves, through experience; Happiness or bitterness.”   

The Tree of Life or the Love of God was and is guarded by Cherubim, or angels.  They stand as sentinels and welcome those who are ready to sup at the tree.  God’s love is a sweet gift that comes with angel’s guidance.  Do we believe in Christ?  Do we believe that he paid for our sins so we don’t have to suffer if we come to God and believe in OUR Savior, no matter what religion we are. 

Our mortal hearts are half true, half false; so a lie* (the fruit of knowledge was half true, half lie; IE Good and Evil.)  So we may be “loving and seeking love” from a lie.  It, the feeling of love, will never happen from a mortal, in a mortal state.  There is no full love on earth, or mortals, so don’t expect it—unless they are filled with God’s perfect, whole love—but even then it is not their love, but God’s love!  

The bits and pieces of love that we feel at times, come when we are ready to surrender to  a Higher Power, or step up on the emotional scale, and be “lifted up”, and step into God’s presence, or into Love.  We can know when we do, because all judgment of others flees away.  We let God judge.  We accept them on their soul’s path.  We become curious and kind observers. We appreciate the “good and the evil” in our lives, and see them as lessons learned.  We feel peace.  We can feel love easily when it comes, and give God thanks for it.  Knowing love comes in “bites”, sweet and juicy.  Loving the calm digestion of what love feels like.

*Because of the “natural man” being an “enemy to God, and will be forever and ever until he “yields” to the “enticings” (not forced) of the Holy Spirit”; who is a direct Love Messenger from the throne of God.  Real Truth is full of Love.

Any other type of love causes an ache in the heart--an ache because “real love” bathes the heart like a bite of sweet fruit filling the senses.  We just CAN’T “get” love FROM another person.  Love MUST come from within…from within the stream of spirit that is always present inside of us.  

This must be why Jesus, who taught us how to love, was so adamant about US serving another person.  Then WE can feel love “for” that person, because WE are serving God.  “Do GOOD to your enemies”.  He didn’t say to wallow in sorrow or bitterness, or get even!  He wanted US to be actively “loving”, not just waiting for God to “give us love”, but for us to EXPERIENCE love through service.  This is why Mother Theresa had compassion; she practiced it!   

This doesn’t mean we have to leave our families and go on a foreign mission--although that's a nice thing to do, if you can!-- it means that after we can feel appreciation and see reasonably, taking responsibility for our own emotional state, we can then move onto being of service to our fellowmen.  Even at our jobs, in our work, at home, with our families.  Even if a family member is abusive!  We can still appreciate something

Because the truth of the matter is; they do NOT live inside of us!  They are not living our lives for us.  They may try to, or think they have to, or be so bold as to tell us how to think or how to feel, or condemn us for our feelings.  But the truth is; they are inside their own spiteful juices, inside their own emotional cesspool.  Let them be!  Don’t try to figure them out!  Who can figure out insanity?  Isn’t it insane to stay angry, then sulk, then angry, then frustrated….then angry, then depressed?  But is is our responsibility to change them?  Can we?  I will tell you right now that we cannot change another person who doesn’t want any help.  Who thinks that everyone else is the problem except them.  See and be grateful for God “taking care of the morrow” for us, and “feeding us from day to day”.
You may, waiting for them to love you, ache forever because, unless they are filled with God’s pure and perfect love, you will never feel that pure, unconditional love you are seeking. 

The Will
The same goes with feeling a stomach ache around a person; they are seeking to force their imperfect (mortal) will on you.  Perfect “will” brings relaxation to your stomach area and a flowing of peace.  “God’s will--and perfect flowing movement of life-- be done.”
The same with strength from below—Imperfect strength can be in the mortal form of lust; forcing another—a rather irritating feeling.  When their strength comes in and forces, or is half truth—their want, not yours too—it creates a temporary split in the union.  If the woman’s emotional state had been acceptance and peace before the pressure for “intimacy”, then she can drop one emotional step into irritation or frustration.  The woman gets irritated and the man angered.  The energy goes down and scatters.  When the union is desired by BOTH and both want to serve God with all their strength as well—a place that does happen more often than not—the energy flows beautifully; creating creative energy=Life.  Either in a child’s form or at work and play; both feel happy and united.

The Mind
 When future is guessed it is a lie.  “Think not on the morrow.”  When gossip—it is a lie.  When the mind hurts; when a lie is believed, it becomes depression in the body.  “I am worthless”, lie, etc.
There is always something “good” to find.  Good is from God.  Who is real; who never lies.  Who is light, Truth, Love; Real.  Open mind to Christ and all good comes from Christ, who is a God, who has “ALL the Father hath”. 
Who has come to earth and bridged the gap between heaven and earth.  Receive into mind all Good, Light and Truth. 
YOU have the yardstick now upon which to judge righteously; Truth from lie.  Your feelings in your body actually do serve you!  That’s why the spirit was able to really flow in college when you opened to feelings.  Feelings are our clues.  Our vehicle to the Spirit; Feelings are our radio antennae; receivers.
(How often has God warned us about having a “hard” heart?)
Incorrect thinking—lies—feeling triggers the imperfectness in our genes; “the fall”—creates illness and soreness and eventual dis-ease. 

 If you’ve gotten caught unaware in one of the traps;
To Re-Open
SING happy or spiritual songs...
open MIND to Christ/God...."Thy will be done...I Trust you Father!"
Then SMILE....
OPEN your EYES at the back of your head....
And let His light flow...down into your crown, bathing you with Infinite Love
Give deep, humble thanks to God and feel your HEART open
this SHIELDS you from dark! and 
this will put your back into God’s circle of Love
Now PRAY for others and SEND them the love that you feel...this will
CYCLE it through you and light up the Grid! 
PRAISE God with your mouth and your heart!
"Blessed be the Name of the Most High God"

If this doesn't help, take a nap!
(or time for a vacation....or, go serve someone in kindness.)

Receive God's Love
Take focus off of thinking about you “getting” love from others—“being loved”—that splits the emotional heart, because other’s love is imperfect.  God only is perfect.  So if you think; “I wish they’d just love me."  Or, "I wish I felt, knew they loved me”—that will never happen.  You focus on receiving God’s love and beaming it to others.  Bask in the warmth of God's love.
Stomach hurts—will is turned away from God to your own Ego (fear of not being loved), or their will—fighting their will.  Their will vs. yours; Release!  Open to; “Thy will God, not mine (or theirs) be done.”  Peace.  Relax stomach by nose breaths; Massage stomach.  Command it to relax and open to God’s perfect will (perfect means not a lie at all—so in harmony and you will feel peace.  Of Truth=God’s will—never forces; but flows.)
Strength is to create Life and to serve God with all strength.  If you feel force, tightness in solar plexus or stomach area—Serve, do something good for them!  This can switch your feelings, and maybe even theirs, to God.

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