Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Saying YES to Soul....

Today is Thursday where I stepped into my tomorrow and found it was magical. A friend from my past came for a visit and reminded me of my soul's path. My coach on Wednesday helped me see my follies of saying "Yes" when I should say, "No, this isn't for me" and made me determined to say "No" when I need to. Monday I was mad at myself for saying "Yes" and determined I would step into my heart's path...and get back to flying again. What happened?

Let's start on Monday. Since I believe that magic is real and God is the magician, I will tell you about it. Monday morning I woke up mad at myself. I had that pit in my stomach that screamed, "You aren't on your path right now! You are so busy trying to "please everyone" that you are pleasing no one...especially your soul. I had managed to over extend myself--again. Saying "Yes" to a friend instead of "No, this isn't right for me". I was so busy again I couldn't breathe. So I went up to my office and re-wrote my Goals, wiping the wrong goals right off MY list. That felt GREAT! Then my 14 year old daughter asked me for a favor; "Mom, will you take me to the water park?" I said, "YES!" I HAD to go to the local airport and was determined to "smell the airplanes" again, and would go by after dropping her off. Oh, how I love the smell of airplanes! The smaller ones that is. I love to hear them, kick the tires, and check the props. I love all the instruments and the slight dusty, oily smell in the cockpit. I asked at the front desk of the local city airport if there were any CFI's (Certified Flight Instructors) and small airplanes to help me finish my testing process for my Pilot's License. "Not here, but..." and they gave me a phone number at the smaller airport a couple towns away. Great! They were new to my knowledge since I had done most of my 100 hours at that airport, and I called the owner of the flight school as soon as I got into my car. I was already starting to feel like my spirit was coming back...a sweet, deep happiness seeping into my heart and every cell was singing.

The man in charge wasn't near his calendar but said on the phone that he'd call me back when he got there. Then my husband called inviting me to lunch and I headed down south towards lunch, but with my eye on going to that airport afterwards. I just had to sniff around for what was new and to immerse myself in the airport smells; they were just like perfume to me. It had been a year since I had been there and flown. Then my phone rang--it was a pilot friend from my past, wanting to know if I wanted to go flying RIGHT NOW! My jaw dropped...as I laughed and asked him if he had talked with anyone at the airport. He said that he hadn't, and I couldn't stop laughing and feeling the heavens were conspiring in a very funny way for me. Wow, when I finally made a soul decision the Universe really came through! So I ate lunch quickly and scooted over to my second home; the airport and a dusty cockpit. Where I belonged. I think my biggest fear had stopped me from continuing...all those voices that screamed, "Aren't you afraid to crash?" So that day God gave me an experienced pilot and TWO, not just one, REAL emergency landings. And we lived. I lived. It just wasn't my time to go. That was good for me to know. But it IS time for me to do my Soul's work; so here I am.

Hello! I am going to be sharing my life and God's goodness, and the "odd" things of the spirit with you...plus how I see life as a Mother on this Mother Earth--and I hope you will do the same. It is time to "Publish Peace". It is time to create and develop HEALTHY communities together...starting with our own. It is time to have PROSPEROUS families...God's way, and it is definitely time for inner HAPPINESS where we re-connect with God and our Eternal Soul.

So today I could smile with my friend who was feeling that magical God-like serendipity happening in her own life--as soon as she said a tough "NO!" to a dead path and person in it, and has started saying "Yes!" to her soul's work, her life is quickly being guided for the good. She is starting to see her path again. We laughed and cried today-- and we could both be happy for each other. Now isn't that as life should be? God really is magical, and so is saying "Yes" to Soul.

Dream in Yellowstone; of Moving and Homes and Jesus coming

“The Lord is coming in the first hour”
I was at school—hurrying to draw 12 lines on an apple; each line means one month and each correlates to a planet.
The 1st hour I saw is April.
Dream of the husband and I moving to beach?  Looking for a place with Lisa with Daniel; the home was so messy and cluttered--Frustrated.
I was then with the Amish; clean and orderly, simple life…Kevin Costner and high mountain cabins
I wake with bird calls and sounds like an old Video Game--

LATER Awake;
We saw a White wolf!  Julie really wanted to see a wolf in Yellowstone, especially a white one…and there it was!
Towards the end of the trip we stopped at Upper Falls and ate a picnic on a rock.  Daniel called and said he might have re-cracked a rib.  He asked if we had seen Caribou…so we drove and saw two of them at Canyon Village, 7,918 feet.
We went shopping I got ice-cream cones for the three kids; mint chocolate for Julie, Rocky Road for Joshua, and Double Chocolate Almond for Lisa.

Do your own very separate work.  Keep your dream alive. 
Books/Spiral notebooks
Karie Baby carriers
Cassettes (lectures together)
Travel with the children/family—learn together
Dance, Art and Photography and sculpt!
Earthen Homes with a dynamite group of people who know how to love nature, home, life and God.

We saw wolves, bison walking across the road and had dinner in West Yellowstone.

Lesson's from Yellowstone Park and Old Faithful

We saw three Bison right by our car!  I gave a baby carrier (Karie Baby) to a sweet Amish mother who has 13 children!  Gas was $1.91 in Yellowstone, only $1.69 in Utah.
(Looking at sayings in a little shop...)
“It is not necessary for Eagles to become Crows”   --Sitting Bull (Sioux)

Adler Bark; Used for skin disease, sore mouth, diarrhea, and sore throat.
Gambol Oak Bark; used in life medicine to lesson after-birth pains and as a cathartic
“You must speak truth so that your words may go as sunlight to our hearts”  --Cochise
“The “Indian way” is to give to a friend the thing you treasure the most.  The song of a bird teaches more about peace than man’s words ever will.  Once I moved about like the wind”  --Geronimo
“One does not sell the earth upon with the people walk” –Crazy Horse (Sioux)
The color of all people’s heart is red.

Julie and Lisa got Indian and cowboy gear.
“What you do speaks so loud I cannot hear what you say” –Emerson
The beat of the drum is the pulse of Mother Earth and the heartbeat of the people as One.
Remember Humor!

A Soul's Journey

You are always rallying for me
Helping me find my way
You talk to my soul in the night, in dreams
You honor my feelings and acknowledge them as valid, real and important
You seek out and find people who will brighten my day with a smile and a kind word
You converse with the God’s in my daily behalf—and Eternities grasp
You are ever encouraging and never give up
You always love me; calm and a peace in my core
You are beautiful, even gorgeous
You hold the promise of eternal lives and
You hold love out like an eternal candle that will always stay lit
You are the oil in my lamp
You laugh with me, cry with me, die with me and sigh with me
You are my Godly compass
You are my Soul

Soul’s Journey;
 Let us be friends, enemies no longer
Naturally allowing death to occur
Are you in my heart?  Or are you my heart?
Is there a secret door?
Where Divinity begins
Let us be friends
I will listen, you will instruct me
And you will never lead me astray
Do you know my heart or are you stretched and connected directly to God’s heart
When there is pain in my body, will you help me see it as the “mirage” that it is?
Will you help me see what you are to me…..
Will you show me around?
Will you separate me from the myth, from mine enemies?
Will you pop those bubbles that carry only hot air?
Will you heal the ache I feel in my flesh this separation anxiety given from birth
It serves me no longer to float from pain
I want to be you, my heart
Help me take this new journey of soul
Help me allow others their journey, their pains
Help me to come to help them only when they ask!
Help me not to teach, unless asked

Marriage is Walking with God, Together

Yesterday morning, sitting in the rocker in my bedroom, sitting and talking to my spouse, facing North East;
Yet another discussion of what should be done, or what I should do in this marriage.  I said that our eyes should be on God, together, and that we are both like separate “universes”—that the unifying link to make us “one” is God’s Love (something tiny like the Quark?) that runs through us and all our “planets and space (cells?), and that’s why the scripture; “God is in all things, under, through, above, below” perhaps might read; God’s love, power and influence.  However, some universes are full of black holes and WON’T receive the life powers of God’s love.
My spouse likes the thought of needing to walk on One Road, together---Where I think what he thinks, says what he says, feels what he feels…essentially losing my own thoughts and personality….which I find suffocating!  I find “his” road cramped.  Fearful there of being knocked off the path—because The Path is made for only two—And I would prefer that second person to Be Jesus the Christ!  No matter what!  And sometimes, when it gets really narrow, I know He can carry me over those extremely narrow passages.

This reminds me of the inner tube dream that I had around this same time; both my husband and I were on a raging river, with me clinging to his black inner tube.  He wasn't really helping me stay on and I started to slip off.  Then a white inner tube appeared, with colors all over it.  That was my inner tube.  I was safe on my own inner tube!  We were both on the same river together; we just needed our own craft.  And even when the river split, we were still headed to the same destination; the ocean.

June 29, 1997
However, I am very thankful that we are BOTH moving forward. (?)  Thursday, in the morning, I got up around 5:30, and we both went for a walk, and then around 6:30 we gathered up laundry in several black trash bags and headed to the laundry mat in town.  We did 15 loads together; quite a team!  It was fun.  Then we went to breakfast.  There, across from me at the cheap Pancake House tables, he told me of how he now understood that he’d hurt me in the past, but truly didn't know it—That he hadn't been working hard to be a companion, or didn't  really know love and about loving me.  That I understood a Celestial marriage when I came into the marriage, and that he didn't  and didn't care to, and how that must have hurt.  Then he told me of his new understanding of knitting our hearts together in love, and goals or ideas he has about being a Celestial unit.  And that this is why we must have had to go through such trials because we wanted something highest in our hearts so they must be purged more.  I started quietly crying with joy.  Knowing it had taken 16 years of love and forgiveness over and over, to hear this from him—because that’s all the Lord would tell me when I would cry to God; “Just love him, forgive him.”, was always the answer from Providence. Truly that was a moment to treasure.  Then hand in hand, we went to the bakery and got some sweet bread for our new neighbors; they have seven children.

What Marriage Is

There is such a deep, deep lie inside men and women about marriage; Ownership--
--Ownership of their thoughts, beliefs, words, religion and body.

What marriage, true marriage really is;
Two ascended beings dwelling in perfect love, harmony of God’s will and way, and acceptance
Of each other and uniting joyfully when both draw together naturally, passionately.  Never force, never guilt, never dominion or domination through religion, tradition, studies of men and relations, books, others and ideas.

“Cursed is he [or she] that putteth his trust in man, and maketh flesh his arm.”
A cursing is when we embrace and embroil the thoughts of man, doctrine, ideas, philosophies, authorship, position, power, ruling party in any degree into our minds; it curses us through mixed messages and becomes truth and lie mixed up; a cursed condition—STRESS!

The mind is designed to be an OPEN conduit between God and His children; male and female.  He promised us Safety and a way for our escape from that awful monster; even death and hell.
Hell is the confusion in the mind between truth and error.  Mixing up of God’s truths is most common at church!  In Religion!

“Wisdom is a marriage—a synergy—between the heart and mind”
                                                                --Steven R. Covey

What Kind of Friends Do I Have?

June 10th 1997
What kind of friends do I have?  And what kind of friends does God allow?  Does He allow the friends I have right now?  If not, why did He place me, or them, in my path?  What kind of friends does my “village” or “tribe” allow?  There seem too always be rules for the tribes benefit—but what about Soul?
If one of your friends, be it male or female, causes you to expand your reachings towards good, God light, Christ and all Truth, can that friend, be it male—if you are female, be “bad”---because you are “married”?
Didn’t Jesus break this tribal bond and wasn’t he friends to all?  But you say, “You’re not Jesus”.  But I say, “Didn’t He say; “Come follow me and do as ye have seen me do.”
As my heart expands, so does the diversity of friends that I have.
I notice female energy has generally different patterns than male energy—yet, both are energy.  And energy, in general can be expansive; into light, fun and good.  And then some energy I feel is dark, gloomy, depressive and controlling.
Female POSITIVE energy patterns;                                          Male energy expands like a River;
Expands outward, like a flower                                                  Up or down, with spots in between

I’ve encountered something new this year; male friends.
It’s been so long.  Through my married years, I’ve only had female friends—and usually only one or two good ones at a time.  These new male friends have added richness, fun and interest to my life.  I didn’t know my life was dull until I think of NOT having these friends anymore!  I feel more balanced in all my Self and I feel a better wife.  Each one of them help me in one or two areas in my life—none of them in all areas.  My  marriage relationship has gone from mere occupancy of a home space to the aches and pains (gladly) of having a REAL growing friendship—a real relationship—not just a “match made in heaven” that never comes to earth.  Now it has been brought with a thump to earth.  It is going through its stretching times—as I have expanded my views to encompass Heaven and Earth and my husband is trying to figure out where this "new woman"--happy me--fits into his life. 

At BORDERS Bookstore; Sneak Book Pre-view;
“He was studying Hindu scriptures in order to be able to denounce them intelligently.”  By A. Roy
From the book, The God of Small Things;
“They were strangers who had met in a chance encounter.  They had known each other before life began.” p.310
“Even later….instinctively, they stuck to the small things.  The big things ever lurked inside.  They knew that there was nowhere for them to go.  They had nothing.  No future.  So they stuck to the small things….clumsy caterpillars…over-turned beetles….”
Maybe this is what Daniel and I need to do to get the ball rolling….enjoy the small moments, instead of trying to make a massively profound beginning into something too big to swallow.  After all, aren’t day’s together, simply small moments put together?
“Some things come with their own punishment.”
“They stopped at the temples to ask pardon of heir gods.  To apologize for corrupting their stories;  For encasing their identities.  Misappropriating their lives.” p.218

Vibrant Health

Funny as it seems, but mankind, as alive as they are, is designed by the Living Creator, to eat live.  The whole digestive system is designed to pick and choose what it receives; some call it “break -down” but it  is receiving the life first, if there is life, then suing that life for a building up and repair job---From the stomach digestive juices to the digestive tract.  The length is designed to “squeeze the life” out of the living foods, just as a snake eats live food and it’s body slowly digests it; to bring life to the organism.  Our digestive systems are very similar.  The carnivore is much like the micro-organisms in our bodies that bring down the weak cells and eat them up.  We are not designed by our creator to be carnivorous.  The only situation is excess hunger or famine conditions—then the animal will bring warmth and short-term sustenance, but not vibrant health.  The word “vibration” is out of the word, “vibrant”.  Vibration has to do with the energy of life in all our cells.  How quickly do they vibrate all depends on the amount of life IN the cells and quality of cells available.

Constant nourishment to our body and spirit; for constant life--
 “Let thy food be prepared with singleness of heart that they fasting may be perfect.”  D & C